Objective n°3: availability!
With COSMEPAR the sponsor has access to professionals available to help them to make the most of their chances:
- A complete medical team (dermatologists, ophthalmologists, gynecologists, dentists)
- A team of beauty industry professionals: hairdressers, beauticians in the SPA area dedicated to cubicle treatments
- The clinic staff take great care in providing a pertinent analysis before setting up the trials: selecting the exact typology of the panel, known intolerance mechanisms, clarification on listed skin surface flora, cubicle application
methods, etc. Every project has its questions!
The Place Graslin Cosmepar staff in Nantes
In addition to the one in Carquefou (44), COSMEPAR has opened a second clinical trials centre in Nantes to provide a new approach to clinical trials:
- Tolerance (primary and repeated) trials and clinical performance trials alongside combined tolerance – performance – microbiology trials. Microbiological Use test
(MUT), cutaneous microbiota trial.
Do you need expert backup? Informed support? Get in touch, or even better, come and see us!
Contacts: Jean-Louis FIACRE and Simon CATROUX